Courses Taught
Teaching Assistant
Short Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Ethics
Critical Thinking
Medieval Philosophy
Empiricists to Kant
Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy of Science
Sole Instructor
Short Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Ethics
Existence & Reality
Critical Thinking
Languages and Minds
Punishment and Responsibility
Academic Writing
Course Reader
Philosophy of Religion
Philosophical Psychology
Punishment and Responsibility
Introduction to Logic
Intermediate Logic
Resources for Students
Guides to Doing Philosophy:
Useful guide to reading philosophy texts by David W. Concepción. Should start on the appendix, beginning on pg. 8.
How to Write a Philosophy Paper
Very useful guide to writing a philosophy paper by the philosopher Jim Pryor.
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias of Philosophy:
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP)
Probably the single best resource for students of philosophy. Has a wide range of articles covering just about every topic in philosophy. Some articles are pitched at a very high level, however, and will only be understandable to those already well-versed on the topic.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP)
Another good online encyclopedia, and one with articles that tend to be a bit easier to understand than those in the SEP.
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Yet another good encyclopedia, though perhaps not quite as useful as the two above.
Papers and Related Resources:
A large database containing close to every philosophy article ever written.
Philosophy Podcasts and Comics:
Podcast covering a wide range of philosophical topics, though leaning more towards the continental tradition. Discussions tend to be fairly informal and easy to follow.
The History of Philosophy Without any Gaps
Podcast covering the history of philosophy in chronological order. Fairly comprehensive and goes into a good deal of depth on the various philosophers covered, though it remains comprehensible to philosophical novices throughout. Also covers non-European traditions in philosophy.
Podcast that offers short interviews with prominent philosophers structured around a specific topic. Very good for getting a quick entry point into a topic.
Weekly philosophy comic. Updated every Monday.